Wednesday, September 8, 2010

look out the window, the birds are composing

Spring Break 2010! A couple of us Americans (me, Mariah, Hannah and Callie) went with Hannah and Callie's host-parents to some cabins in Jamberoo up in the mountains. It was so much great fun, and packed full of stuff. Here it is, Letterman style.


1. Seeing the amazing views. Australia is probably the most beautiful place I've ever been. Scratch that. No probably. It IS the most beautiful place. Jamberoo is in the mountains, which aren't really mountains. They aren't very big, but they feel really big when you walk up them. Regardless, it was incredible."I want to see mountains again, Gandalf!"

2. Milking a goat. The caretaker of Ben Rickets, the nature preserve our cabin was on, lived across the street from us, and when we went to greet her on arrival, we invited us back the next morning for the 8:00 am goat-milking. It was harder than expected, but I had success. While we were walking around her property, brushing goats, and milking cows, and looking around the mountain, I thought "I could totally live up her and milk goats for the rest of my life." And about ten minutes later I was like, "Nevermind." But still, a valuable experience. And I learned a life lesson. You never know when you'll need to milk a goat.

3. Being in Jurassic Park. We went to Minnamurra rain forest for the morning on Tuesday and took a little hike. I was expecting a velociraptor to cross my path at any moment. Definitely my best experience in a rain forest. It was incredibly beautiful, and totally worth the super steep and sometimes slippery hike.

4. Being able to breath without inhaling bus exhaust. Not hearing traffic, beeping pedestrian signs, cell phones, people. Being surrounded by trees instead of buildings. Seeing 342709382470123856987 stars at night. So I guess nature, in general.

5. Wombat hunting. Callie was obsessed with finding a wombat on our trip. There are a ton around, but they're pretty shy and nocturnal. But one morning, low and behold, a wombat had done some digging under our cabin. We saw plenty of more wombat holes and tracks, but they remained elusive.

6. Being in a cabin. I loved our cabin. It was super small, super cute, and super in general. We had a little wood stove to keep us warm, little bunks, and a little kitchen where we had amazing mountain food. Like bacon and eggs and Aussie hamburgers. And kangaroo spaghetti. It was great fun to look out the window and see trees everywhere, and get woken up by kookaburras instead of airplanes.

7. Kiama Blowhole. Kiama is a little town near Jamberoo that has great beaches for surfing, and also a blowhole. A blowhole, boys and girls, is a hole in the rock on the shore. And when the huge waves crash around, they hit the hole and BAM go straight up in the air. It was pretty cool. There were cliffs and rocks that we climbed all over, and the view was incredible. The ocean was such a beautiful blue.

8. Bushwalking. Our last morning in Jamberoo we went for a walk out in the bush. It was pretty great, and I'm not even going to try and pretend like I didn't imagine myself in Middle Earth. Australia's landscape is so bizarre, and so different than anywhere else that it's so hard to accept that it's normal, you know? The jungle, the mountains, the ocean, the fields, I could get used to any of that. But Australia is all sandy, but there are plants growing in it, and really tall grasses, and really tall twisty trees randomly sticking out. It's just crazy.

9. Glowworms. These are the coolest things ever. During a walk at around 8:30 at night, we took a little detour off the road about ten feet, shine our flashlights around and then turned them off. And then there were fifty jillion glowworms surrounding us. It was like the sky was full of stars, and it was right in front of our noses. I feel like every time I look at the sky now, I'm just going to think, "Yeah, but it's not as cool as those glowworms."

10. Not being at school. I know I've kind of said this before, but not living in a dorm or at school makes college feel so different. I don't get to spend a whole lot of time with my friends and classmates outside of class, or unless we're doing some activity that we planed. There isn't very much room for just hanging out. But I got to spend time with friends, and we just sat around and played cards, and it was great.

I tried to put pictures here, so if it doesn't work I'm sorry that I never paid attention to CSS or HTML or whatever in class.

current song: Your Love is Strong by Jon Foreman

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